Monday, February 05, 2007

Don't tie me kangaroo down, sport

P.L. doesn't really like everyone to know she has a soft side. She doesn't understand why I feel the need to inform the world, either, but I think someday she'll understand.

One of P.L.'s admitted soft spots is for animals. Not just fluffy kittens and wiggle-nosed bunnies, but animals she's never actually gotten to touch. Koalas, dolphins, penguins, tigers, kangaroos.... ooh, kangaroos. That particular love goes back a long way, even before visits to the zoo, back to the flannel pajamas she used to love to wear as a tot. They came with a kangaroo cap and a pouch/pocket to carry an adorable toy joey.

We recently saw a picture of a road sign that tickled her fancy. It reminded me of our
Tank Xing design at AmeriColors. But instead of warning of deer crossing, falling rocks, children crossing, or even tanks crossing, this photo showed a kangaroo crossing sign.
P.L. loved it. She even wants one in her bedroom. I reminded her that it's illegal to swipe road signs, and it's inconvenient to go to Australia to do so. And it won't help the kangaroos, either. She had to concede on that point.

So we decided it was time for a sign. We created our own, along with the words, "I brake for kangaroos."

P.L. now has in requests for even more kangaroo designs. I'm trying it with different colors, but I know that there will be more detailed illustrations of these fascinating marsupials in my near future.

And when it gets to be a little warmer, maybe we'll even go visit some kangaroos and their friends and relations, at Kentucky Down Under.
I haven't been there yet, but I think it'll be a terrific place to draw.

For now, though, maybe P.L. will be happy with this t-shirt.

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