Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Did they say the horses are coming...?

Where are the horses?
They aren't here yet, but it's only a month until....
the horses are coming to Kentucky Downs!

Lanie and Bree are waiting for the horses, but they are anything but patient, as you might guess.
In the meantime, they're stylin' in Horses Around t-shirts.
Lanie is wearing the Somebody Went Horsing Around kids tee in white. Bree chose the Feeling My Oats kids tee in red.

While you're waiting for September 15th, you might want to check out the limited edition Kentucky Downs Thoroughbred racing gear at Horses Around. These shirts will be disappearing soon.

If you're passing through south-central Kentucky, drop in and see the horses for yourself. There's nothing like it for excitement!

1 comment:

Timewarp said...

Cute kids and tees, must be nice to work around horses :)